segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2020
sábado, 4 de abril de 2020
A Shower of Blessings: A Guru Yoga Practice to Accompany the Seven-Line Prayer-by Mipham Rinpoche

A Shower of Blessings: A Guru Yoga Practice to Accompany the Seven-Line Prayer-by Mipham Rinpoche
ཨཱཿ རང་ལུས་ཐ་མལ་གནས་པའི་མདུན་མཁའ་རུ། །
ah, rang lü tamal nepé dün kha ru
Āḥ! I am in my ordinary form; before me, in the sky
ah, rang lü tamal nepé dün kha ru
Āḥ! I am in my ordinary form; before me, in the sky
ཨོ་རྒྱན་དྲི་མེད་དྷ་ན་ཀོ་ཤའི་མཚོ། །
orgyen drimé dhanakoshé tso
Appears Oḍḍiyāna, and the immaculate Dhanakośa lake,
orgyen drimé dhanakoshé tso
Appears Oḍḍiyāna, and the immaculate Dhanakośa lake,
གཏིང་ཟབ་ཡན་ལག་བརྒྱད་ལྡན་ཆུས་གང་བའི། །
ting zap yenlak gyé den chü gangwé
Deep and full of water with eight kinds of purity.
ting zap yenlak gyé den chü gangwé
Deep and full of water with eight kinds of purity.
དབུས་སུ་རིན་ཆེན་པད་སྡོང་འདབ་རྒྱས་སྟེང་། །
wü su rin chen pé dong dap gyé teng
In its centre you dwell, on a jewelled lotus blossom, its petals open wide:
wü su rin chen pé dong dap gyé teng
In its centre you dwell, on a jewelled lotus blossom, its petals open wide:
སྐྱབས་གནས་ཀུན་འདུས་ཨོ་རྒྱན་རྡོ་རྗེ་འཆང་། །
kyapné kundü orgyen dorjé chang
All sources of refuge combined, Orgyen Dorje Chang,
kyapné kundü orgyen dorjé chang
All sources of refuge combined, Orgyen Dorje Chang,
མཚན་དཔེའི་དཔལ་འབར་མཚོ་རྒྱལ་ཡུམ་དང་འཁྲིལ། །
tsenpé palbar tsogyal yum dang tril
Ablaze in splendour with the major and minor marks of perfection, and embracing the consort Yeshe Tsogyal.
tsenpé palbar tsogyal yum dang tril
Ablaze in splendour with the major and minor marks of perfection, and embracing the consort Yeshe Tsogyal.
ཕྱག་གཡས་རྡོ་རྗེ་གཡོན་པས་ཐོད་བུམ་བསྣམས། །
chak yé dorjé yönpé tö bum nam
You hold a vajra in your right hand, a skull cup containing a vase in your left,
chak yé dorjé yönpé tö bum nam
You hold a vajra in your right hand, a skull cup containing a vase in your left,
དར་དང་རིན་ཆེན་རུས་པའི་རྒྱན་གྱིས་མཛེས། །
dar dang rinchen rüpé gyen gyi dzé
Beautiful in all your silk, jewel and bone ornaments.
dar dang rinchen rüpé gyen gyi dzé
Beautiful in all your silk, jewel and bone ornaments.
འོད་ལྔའི་ཀློང་ནས་བདེ་ཆེན་གཟི་བྱིན་འབར། །
öngé longné dechen zi jin bar
In an expanse of blue, white, yellow, red and green light, you preside resplendent, radiating great bliss.
öngé longné dechen zi jin bar
In an expanse of blue, white, yellow, red and green light, you preside resplendent, radiating great bliss.
འཁོར་དུ་རྩ་གསུམ་རྒྱ་མཚོ་སྤྲིན་ལྟར་གཏིབས། །
khor du tsa sum gyatso trin tar tip
All around you, gurus, devas and ḍākinīs gather like clouds.
khor du tsa sum gyatso trin tar tip
All around you, gurus, devas and ḍākinīs gather like clouds.
བྱིན་རླབས་ཐུགས་རྗེའི་ཆར་འབེབས་བདག་ལ་གཟིགས། །
jinlap tukjé char bep dak la zik
Pour down your blessings in a rain of compassion: watch over and care for me!
jinlap tukjé char bep dak la zik
Pour down your blessings in a rain of compassion: watch over and care for me!
རྒྱལ་ཀུན་ངོ་བོ་འཆི་མེད་ཡེ་ཤེས་སྐུར། །
gyal kün ngowo chimé yeshé kur
Essence of all buddhas, in your immortal wisdom body,
gyal kün ngowo chimé yeshé kur
Essence of all buddhas, in your immortal wisdom body,
གདུང་ཤུགས་དྲག་པོས་དད་ཕྱག་རྟག་ཏུ་འཚལ། །
dung shuk drakpö dé chak tak tu tsal
Now and always, I bow to you with passionate longing and devotion.
dung shuk drakpö dé chak tak tu tsal
Now and always, I bow to you with passionate longing and devotion.
ལུས་དང་ལོངས་སྤྱོད་དུས་གསུམ་དགེ་བའི་ཚོགས། །
lü dang long chö dü sum gewé tsok
My bodies, possessions and all my merit, past, present and future
lü dang long chö dü sum gewé tsok
My bodies, possessions and all my merit, past, present and future
ཀུན་བཟང་མཆོད་པའི་སྤྲིན་དུ་དམིགས་ནས་འབུལ། །
kunzang chöpé trin du mikné bul
I visualize as Samantabhadra’s offering clouds, and present them to you.
kunzang chöpé trin du mikné bul
I visualize as Samantabhadra’s offering clouds, and present them to you.
ཐོག་མེད་ནས་བསགས་སྡིག་ལྟུང་མ་ལུས་བཤགས། །
tokmé né sak dik tung ma lü shak
My harmful actions and downfalls, committed through beginningless time, I confess without exception.
tokmé né sak dik tung ma lü shak
My harmful actions and downfalls, committed through beginningless time, I confess without exception.
སྲས་བཅས་རྒྱལ་བ་ཀུན་གྱི་ཡོན་ཏན་གྱི། །
sé ché gyalwa kün gyi yönten gyi
You alone have completely mastered the precious qualities of all the buddhas and bodhisattvas,
sé ché gyalwa kün gyi yönten gyi
You alone have completely mastered the precious qualities of all the buddhas and bodhisattvas,
ཁྱབ་བདག་གཅིག་པུ་མགོན་པོའི་རྣམ་ཐར་ལ། །
khyap dak chik pu gönpö nam tar la
And with all my heart I rejoice at your liberating life story.
khyap dak chik pu gönpö nam tar la
And with all my heart I rejoice at your liberating life story.
སྙིང་ནས་ཡི་རང་དད་པས་གསོལ་འདེབས་ཤིང་། །
nying né yi rang depé sol dep shing
With total trust I pray to you,
nying né yi rang depé sol dep shing
With total trust I pray to you,
ཟབ་རྒྱས་ཆོས་ཀྱི་ཆར་ཆེན་འབེབས་པར་བསྐུལ། །
zap gyé chö kyi char chen beppar kul
And implore you: shower down a great rain of Dharma, profound and vast.
zap gyé chö kyi char chen beppar kul
And implore you: shower down a great rain of Dharma, profound and vast.
རང་གཞན་དགེ་བའི་དངོས་པོ་ཀུན་བསྡོམས་ནས། །
rang shyen gewé ngöpo kun dom né
Gathering all the actual merit of myself and others,
rang shyen gewé ngöpo kun dom né
Gathering all the actual merit of myself and others,
འགྲོ་ཁམས་རྒྱ་མཚོ་ཇི་སྲིད་གནས་ཀྱི་བར། །
dro kham gyatso ji si né kyi bar
For as long as these infinite realms of living beings remain
dro kham gyatso ji si né kyi bar
For as long as these infinite realms of living beings remain
མགོན་པོ་ཁྱོད་ཀྱི་རྣམ་ཐར་རྗེས་བསྙེགས་ཏེ། །
gönpo khyö kyi namtar jé nyek té
I shall follow your example, Lord,
gönpo khyö kyi namtar jé nyek té
I shall follow your example, Lord,
མཁའ་ཁྱབ་འགྲོ་བ་འདྲེན་པའི་དོན་དུ་བསྔོ། །
kha khyap drowa drenpé dön du ngo
And dedicate it all to guiding beings as limitless as space.
kha khyap drowa drenpé dön du ngo
And dedicate it all to guiding beings as limitless as space.
སྐྱབས་གནས་ཀུན་འདུས་མཁྱེན་བརྩེའི་གཏེར་ཆེན་པོ། །
kyapné kundü khyentsé terchen po
You are all my sources of refuge in one, a great treasure of wisdom and love,
kyapné kundü khyentsé terchen po
You are all my sources of refuge in one, a great treasure of wisdom and love,
དུས་ངན་སྙིགས་མའི་སྐྱབས་མཆོག་རིན་པོ་ཆེ། །
dü ngen nyik mé kyap chok rinpoché
Our precious, our greatest, protection in this dark age, the dregs of time.
dü ngen nyik mé kyap chok rinpoché
Our precious, our greatest, protection in this dark age, the dregs of time.
ལྔ་བདོའི་རྒུད་པས་མནར་ཤིང་གདུངས་ཤུགས་ཀྱིས། །
nga dö güpé nar shing dung shuk kyi
Tormented and drained by the five kinds of degeneration, when I call on you
nga dö güpé nar shing dung shuk kyi
Tormented and drained by the five kinds of degeneration, when I call on you
གསོལ་འདེབས་བུ་ལ་བརྩེ་བས་ཐུགས་ཀྱིས་གཟིགས། །
sol dep bu la tsewé tuk kyi zik
In desperate yearning, look upon your child with all the love of your wisdom mind.
sol dep bu la tsewé tuk kyi zik
In desperate yearning, look upon your child with all the love of your wisdom mind.
དགོངས་པའི་ཀློང་ནས་ཐུགས་རྗེའི་རྩལ་ཕྱུངས་ལ། །
gong pé long né tukjé tsal chung la
Let the power of your compassion burst out from your vast expanse of realization,
gong pé long né tukjé tsal chung la
Let the power of your compassion burst out from your vast expanse of realization,
མོས་ལྡན་བདག་གི་སྙིང་ལ་བྱིན་གྱིས་རློབས། །
mö den dak gi nying la jin gyi lop
And flood my devoted heart with your blessing.
mö den dak gi nying la jin gyi lop
And flood my devoted heart with your blessing.
རྟགས་དང་མཚན་མ་མྱུར་དུ་སྟོན་པ་དང་། །
tak dang tsenma nyur du tönpa dang
Quickly show me the signs and marks of attainment,
tak dang tsenma nyur du tönpa dang
Quickly show me the signs and marks of attainment,
མཆོག་དང་ཐུན་མོང་དངོས་གྲུབ་སྩལ་དུ་གསོལ། །
chok dang tünmong ngödrup tsal du sol
And grant me siddhis, ordinary and supreme.
chok dang tünmong ngödrup tsal du sol
And grant me siddhis, ordinary and supreme.
ཧཱུྃ༔ ཨོ་རྒྱན་ཡུལ་གྱི་ནུབ་བྱང་མཚམས༔
hung, orgyen yul gyi nup jang tsam
Hūṃ! In the north-west of the land of Oḍḍiyāna,
hung, orgyen yul gyi nup jang tsam
Hūṃ! In the north-west of the land of Oḍḍiyāna,
pema gésar dong po la
In the heart of a lotus flower,
pema gésar dong po la
In the heart of a lotus flower,
yatsen chok gi ngö drup nyé
Endowed with the most marvellous attainments,
yatsen chok gi ngö drup nyé
Endowed with the most marvellous attainments,
pema jungné shyé su drak
You are renowned as the Lotus-born,
pema jungné shyé su drak
You are renowned as the Lotus-born,
khor du khandro mangpö kor
Surrounded by many hosts of ḍākinīs.
khor du khandro mangpö kor
Surrounded by many hosts of ḍākinīs.
khyé kyi jesu dak drup kyi
Following in your footsteps
khyé kyi jesu dak drup kyi
Following in your footsteps
jin gyi lop chir shek su sol
I pray to you: come and bless me with your grace!
jin gyi lop chir shek su sol
I pray to you: come and bless me with your grace!
guru pema siddhi hung
Guru padma siddhi hūṃ
guru pema siddhi hung
Guru padma siddhi hūṃ
ཞེས་བྱས་ལ་ཚིག་བདུན་གསོལ་འདེབས་ཅི་ནུས་སུ་འདོན། །
Recite The Seven Line Prayer as many times as you can.
Imagine that, because you are praying with sincere devotion, from the place of union and the heart of the guru and the consort fine shafts of wisdom light—blue, white, yellow, red and green—shoot out and dissolve into your heart, blessing and transforming your very being.
Recite the Vajra Guru Mantra as much as you wish.
om ah hung vajra guru pema siddhi hung
oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru padma siddhi hūṃ
Recite The Seven Line Prayer as many times as you can.
Imagine that, because you are praying with sincere devotion, from the place of union and the heart of the guru and the consort fine shafts of wisdom light—blue, white, yellow, red and green—shoot out and dissolve into your heart, blessing and transforming your very being.
Recite the Vajra Guru Mantra as much as you wish.
om ah hung vajra guru pema siddhi hung
oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru padma siddhi hūṃ
At the end of the session:
བླ་མའི་གནས་གསུམ་ཡི་གེ་འབྲུ་གསུམ་ལས། །
lamé né sum yi gé dru sum lé
From the three syllables oṃ āḥ hūṃ at the three centres of the guru,
At the end of the session:
བླ་མའི་གནས་གསུམ་ཡི་གེ་འབྲུ་གསུམ་ལས། །
lamé né sum yi gé dru sum lé
From the three syllables oṃ āḥ hūṃ at the three centres of the guru,
འོད་ཟེར་དཀར་དམར་མཐིང་གསུམ་བྱུང་ནས་སུ། །
özer kar mar ting sum jung né su
White, red and blue rays of light strike out
özer kar mar ting sum jung né su
White, red and blue rays of light strike out
རང་གི་གནས་གསུམ་ཐིམ་པས་སྒོ་གསུམ་གྱི། །
rang gi né sum timpé go sum gyi
And dissolve into my own three centres, purifying the obscurations
rang gi né sum timpé go sum gyi
And dissolve into my own three centres, purifying the obscurations
སྒྲིབ་བྱང་སྐུ་གསུང་ཐུགས་ཀྱི་རྡོ་རྗེར་གྱུར། །
drip jang ku sung tuk kyi dorjér gyur
Of my body, speech and mind, and transforming them into vajra body, speech and mind.
drip jang ku sung tuk kyi dorjér gyur
Of my body, speech and mind, and transforming them into vajra body, speech and mind.
མཐར་ནི་བླ་མ་འཁོར་བཅས་འོད་དུ་ཞུ། །
tar ni lama khor ché ö du shyu
Finally, the guru and his retinue melt into light
tar ni lama khor ché ö du shyu
Finally, the guru and his retinue melt into light
དཀར་དམར་ཐིག་ལེ་ཧཱུྃ་གིས་མཚན་པ་རུ། །
kar mar tiglé hum gi tsen pa ru
And into a red and white bindu marked with hūṃ,
kar mar tiglé hum gi tsen pa ru
And into a red and white bindu marked with hūṃ,
རང་གི་སྙིང་གར་ཐིམ་པས་བླ་མའི་ཐུགས། །
rang gi nying gar timpé lamé tuk
That dissolves into my heart, through which the guru’s wisdom mind
rang gi nying gar timpé lamé tuk
That dissolves into my heart, through which the guru’s wisdom mind
རང་སེམས་དབྱེར་མེད་ལྷན་སྐྱེས་ཆོས་སྐུར་གནས། །
rang sem yermé lhen kyé chö kur né
And my own mind merge inseparably, and so I abide in the ever-present dharmakāya.
rang sem yermé lhen kyé chö kur né
And my own mind merge inseparably, and so I abide in the ever-present dharmakāya.
a a
a āḥ
a a
a āḥ
As you utter “a, āḥ!” look into the actual face of the great primordial dharmakāya—the very nature of your own mind that from the very beginning is utterly beyond alteration or change, beyond rejecting or accepting anything at all. Once again, consider all illusion-like appearances as the nature of the guru. Dedicate the merit and make prayers for auspiciousness, so that peace and wellbeing prevail.
སླར་ཡང་སྒྱུ་མ་ལྟ་བུའི་སྣང་བ་ཐམས་ཅད་བླ་མའི་རང་བཞིན་དུ་བལྟས་ལ་དགེ་བ་བསྔོ་ཞིང་ཤིས་པ་བརྗོད་པས་བདེ་ལེགས་སུ་བྱའོ། །
End the practice well by recognizing all illusory appearance as the nature of the guru, dedicating the merit and making a prayer of prosperity.
As you utter “a, āḥ!” look into the actual face of the great primordial dharmakāya—the very nature of your own mind that from the very beginning is utterly beyond alteration or change, beyond rejecting or accepting anything at all. Once again, consider all illusion-like appearances as the nature of the guru. Dedicate the merit and make prayers for auspiciousness, so that peace and wellbeing prevail.
སླར་ཡང་སྒྱུ་མ་ལྟ་བུའི་སྣང་བ་ཐམས་ཅད་བླ་མའི་རང་བཞིན་དུ་བལྟས་ལ་དགེ་བ་བསྔོ་ཞིང་ཤིས་པ་བརྗོད་པས་བདེ་ལེགས་སུ་བྱའོ། །
End the practice well by recognizing all illusory appearance as the nature of the guru, dedicating the merit and making a prayer of prosperity.
ཞེས་པའང་ཐམས་ཅད་འདུལ་ཅེས་པའི་གྲོ་བཞིན་ཟླ་བའི་ཡར་ཚེས་བརྒྱད་ལ། ཚེ་རབས་ཐམས་ཅད་དུ་གུ་རུ་པདྨའི་བྲན་དུ་སྨོན་ལམ་འདེབས་པ་མི་ཕམ་རྣམ་པར་རྒྱལ་བའི་ཡིད་ཀྱི་མཚོ་ལས་བྱུང་བ་དགེའོ། །
On the eighth day of the waxing moon in the seventh month of ‘Taming All Beings’,1 this arose from the oceanic mind of Mipham Nampar Gyalwa, one who prays and aspires to serve Guru Padmasambhava in all his lives. May virtue ensue!
| Rigpa Translations, 2015.
↑ i.e., the Fire Pig year, 1887.
↑ i.e., the Fire Pig year, 1887.
Photo Courtesy- Lhakpa Tenzin
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