segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2016
terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2016
༈ དུས་བབས་ཀྱི་གསོལ་འདེབས་དུས་གསུམ་སངས་རྒྱས།
The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche for Removing Obstacles and Fulfilling Wishes
a Terma of Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa
dü sum sangye guru rinpoche
Guru Rinpoche, the Buddha of past, present and future,
ngödrub kün dak dewa chenpö shyab
‘Dewa Chenpo’—Guru of Great Bliss—the source of all siddhis,
barché kün sel düdul drakpo tsal
‘Düdul Drakpo Tsal’—Wrathful One that Subdues Negativity—who removes all obstacles,
solwa deb so jingyi lab tu sol
Grant your blessings, we pray!
chi nang sangwé barché shyiwa dang
Through them, may all obstacles—outer, inner and secret—
sampa lhün gyi drubpar jingyi lob
Be quelled, and may all our aspirations be fulfilled.
ཞེས་གཏེར་ཆེན་མཆོག་གྱུར་བདེ་ཆེན་གླིང་པས་སེང་ཆེན་གནམ་བྲག་གི་གཡས་ཟུར་བྲག་རི་རིན་ཆེན་བརྩེགས་པ་ནས་སྤྱན་དྲངས་པའི་དུས་བབས་ཀྱི་གསོལ་འདེབས་འདི་ཉིད་བྱིན་རླབས་ཤིན་ཏུ་ཆེ་བས་ཀུན་གྱིས་ཁ་ཏོན་དུ་གཅེས་པར་ཟུངས་ཤིག། །།
Discovered by the great terma-revealer Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, from the right hand side of the Sengchen Namdrak rock on Mount Rinchen Tsekpa, ‘The Pile of Jewels’. Because the blessing of this prayer, one intended for this present time, is so immense, it should be treasured by all as their daily practice.
quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2016
Dez Fundações do mantra secreto
Tenth Day of the Lunar month, Guru Rinpoche Day
Padmasambhava's Instructions to Lady Yeshe Tsogyal
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༄། གུ་རུ་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་དུས་ཆེན། Happy Guru Rimpoche Day!
Décimo dia do mês lunar, Guru Rinpoche dia
De padmasambhava instruções para senhora yeshe tsogyal
Dez Fundações de segredo mantra
O Mestre disse: quando praticar o dharma, você deve treinar perfeitamente nos dez bases de treino.
A Senhora perguntou: quais são as dez bases de treino?
O Mestre disse: você deve resolver através do ponto de vista, ganhando a compreensão de todos os ensinamentos, como o pássaro voando garuda no céu.
Você deve encontrar certeza através da conduta, sem ser intimidada por qualquer coisa que seja, como um elefante a entrar na água.
Você deve praticar através do samadhi, limpando a escuridão da ignorância, como uma lâmpada em um quarto escuro.
Você deve realizar o objectivo através das instruções, libertando todos os fenômenos, em sua natureza, como encontrar um desejo-cumprir jóia.
Você deve progredir gradualmente através do empowerments, ser livre do medo de cair no samsara, como um príncipe ascendendo o trono real.
Você deve manter a base através da samayas, não deixando qualquer de suas ações ser desperdiçado, como um terreno fértil.
Você deve libertar seu ser através da aprendizagem em todos os aspectos da Dharma, como um corcel liberte de suas correntes.
Você deve comparar todas as fontes, entender todas as escolas filosóficas de dharma, como uma abelha, buscando uma colmeia.
Você deve condensar-los em um único ponto, entendendo que todos os inúmeros ensinamentos são de um gosto, como um comerciante adicionar juntos seus Lucros.
Você deve alcançar eminência em conhecimento, compreensão clara e distintamente o significado de todos os ensinamentos, como chegar ao cume do monte sumeru.
O povo do Tibete, que desejam ser aprendido sem treino si nestes pontos não são aprendidas no sentido essencial, mas tornar-se praticantes com muito sectarismo. Isto é devido a culpa de não ter se tornar adepto nestes dez bases de treino.
De Dakini ensinamentos: Padmasambhava; s instruções orais para senhora tsogyal. A partir de revelações de nyang ral nyma özer, sangye lingpa e dorje lingpa.
Traduzido por kyabje tulku urgyen rimpoche
Rangjung Yeshe publicações
Décimo dia do mês lunar, Guru Rinpoche dia
De padmasambhava instruções para senhora yeshe tsogyal
Dez Fundações de segredo mantra
O Mestre disse: quando praticar o dharma, você deve treinar perfeitamente nos dez bases de treino.
A Senhora perguntou: quais são as dez bases de treino?
O Mestre disse: você deve resolver através do ponto de vista, ganhando a compreensão de todos os ensinamentos, como o pássaro voando garuda no céu.
Você deve encontrar certeza através da conduta, sem ser intimidada por qualquer coisa que seja, como um elefante a entrar na água.
Você deve praticar através do samadhi, limpando a escuridão da ignorância, como uma lâmpada em um quarto escuro.
Você deve realizar o objectivo através das instruções, libertando todos os fenômenos, em sua natureza, como encontrar um desejo-cumprir jóia.
Você deve progredir gradualmente através do empowerments, ser livre do medo de cair no samsara, como um príncipe ascendendo o trono real.
Você deve manter a base através da samayas, não deixando qualquer de suas ações ser desperdiçado, como um terreno fértil.
Você deve libertar seu ser através da aprendizagem em todos os aspectos da Dharma, como um corcel liberte de suas correntes.
Você deve comparar todas as fontes, entender todas as escolas filosóficas de dharma, como uma abelha, buscando uma colmeia.
Você deve condensar-los em um único ponto, entendendo que todos os inúmeros ensinamentos são de um gosto, como um comerciante adicionar juntos seus Lucros.
Você deve alcançar eminência em conhecimento, compreensão clara e distintamente o significado de todos os ensinamentos, como chegar ao cume do monte sumeru.
O povo do Tibete, que desejam ser aprendido sem treino si nestes pontos não são aprendidas no sentido essencial, mas tornar-se praticantes com muito sectarismo. Isto é devido a culpa de não ter se tornar adepto nestes dez bases de treino.
De Dakini ensinamentos: Padmasambhava; s instruções orais para senhora tsogyal. A partir de revelações de nyang ral nyma özer, sangye lingpa e dorje lingpa.
Traduzido por kyabje tulku urgyen rimpoche
Rangjung Yeshe publicações
sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2016
Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung Chöku nangwa taye la solwa deb Longku tukje chenpo la solwa deb Trülku pema jungney la solwa deb Daggi lama ngotsar trülpey ku Gyagar yüldu kutrung tösam dzey Böyül üsu zheljön drekpa dül Orgyen yüldu kuzhuk drodön dzey Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
1 BARCHEY LAMSEL om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Dharmakaya Amitabha, I supplicate you. Sambhogakaya Great Compassionate One, I supplicate you, Nirmanakaya Padmakara, I supplicate you. My guru, wonderful nirmanakaya, In the land of India, you were born, you studied and contemplated. Journeying in person to Tibet, you tamed the demonic forces. Residing in the land of Uddiyana, you acted for the welfare of beings. Through your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. Through your affection, guide myself and others on the path. Through your realization, grant me the siddhis. Through your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Kuyi ngotsar tongwey tse Yepey raldri chagya dzey Yönpey gukpey chagya dzey Zheldrey chetsik gyenla zig Gyalwey dungdzin drowey gön Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When seeing the wonder of bodily forms,
2 BARCHEY LAMSEL You make the sword mudra with your right hand. With your left, you make the summoning mudra. With gaping mouth, bare fangs, and upward gaze, Gyalwey Dungdzin, Lord of Beings, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Damchö rinchen senpey tse Kusel özer dangdang den Chakye denö lekbam nam Yönpey phurpey puti nam Zabmöi chönam tuksu chü Yangle shökyi pandi ta Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When receiving the precious and sacred teachings Your radiant body is endowed with a luminous complexion. Your right hand holds the scriptures of the tripitaka. Your left holds a volume of Kilaya.
3 BARCHEY LAMSEL You comprehend all the profound teachings. Pandita of Yanglesho, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Damchen damla takpey tse Drimey neychok nyamre gah Gyagar böyül satsam su Jingyi labney jönpey tse Drisung pö-ngey denpey ri Metog pema günyang kye Chumig jangchub dütsi chu Deden deyi neychog tu Kyechog tsülzang chögö sol Chakye dorje tsegu nam Yönpey rinchen zama tog Rakta dütsi nangdu tam Khandro damchen damla tak Yidam zhelzik ngödrub nye Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol
4 BARCHEY LAMSEL Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When binding the vow holders under oath, At the beautiful and immaculate supreme place, At the borderline between India and Tibet, You bestowed your blessings, on the moment of arrival, At the mountain endowed with enveloping fragrance. Even in winter time lotus flowers bloom At this supreme and blissful place, The Spring of Enlightenment with nectar-like water. Kyechok Tsulsang, dressed in the robes of the Dharma, Your right hand holds the nine pronged vajra Your left holds a jewel casket Filled with rakta nectar. You bound under oath the dakinis and vow holders. Seeing the yidam face to face, you accomplished the siddhis. With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Gyalwey tenpa tsukpey tse Yari nakla drubpa dzey Nyenphur namkhai yingsu phang Dorjei chagye langshing dril Drilzhing tsenden nagsu phang Mebar trukshing tsoyang kem Sibkyi mutek sagang sek
5 BARCHEY LAMSEL Yaksha nagpo düldu lag Drengyi domey dükyi shey Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When establishing the doctrine of the Victorious One, You performed sadhana in the forest of the Slate Mountain. Throwing your recitation dagger into the sky’s expanse, You caught it and rolled with your vajra mudra. Rolling, you threw it into to the sandalwood forest, The fire blazed and the lake dried up. Instantly you burned away all the places of the tirthikas And reduced the black yakshas to dust. Matchless Slayer of Demons, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Srinpö khanön dzepey tse Khyeuchung trülküi chaluk chen Yamtsen zukzang khadog lek
6 BARCHEY LAMSEL Tsemdrik utra serla dzey Gunglo chudrug lönpey tsül Rinchen gyencha natsok sol Chakye kharwey phurpa nam Düdang sinpö khanön dzey Yönpey sengdeng phurpa nam Möpey bula sungkyob dzey Gülna chakyi phurpa nam Yidam lhadang nyisu mey Nyimey trülku dzamling gyen Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When you subjugate the rakshas, Young boy in nirmanakaya attire, Wondrous form of goodness with magnificent color, With even teeth and beautiful golden hair, In the manner of a sixteen year old youth, You wear various kinds of jewel ornaments. With your right hand you hold the bell-metal dagger, Subjugating the maras and rakshas. With your left you hold the teak dagger, Protecting your devoted disciples. Around the neck your wear the iron dagger, Indivisible from the yidam deity. Nondual nirmanakaya, Ornament of Jambudvipa,
7 BARCHEY LAMSEL With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Dreyi yüldu gongpey tse Mepung shökyi sazhi la Da-gyang ganggi tsonang du Pemey tengdu silsil dra Pemey nangdu gongpa dzey Tsenyang pema jungney zhey Dzogpey sangye ngösu jön Dendrey trülku yamtsen chen Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When intending to go to the land of ghosts, In the area of Mass of Fire, Within a lake the expanse of an arrow shot, Upon a lotus you were cooled and refreshed. Meditating within a lotus flower, Known as Padmasambhava,
8 BARCHEY LAMSEL You appeared as the perfect buddha in person. Such a wondrous nirmanakaya, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Bökyi nyima dzepey tse Deden drowa drenpey pal Gangla gangdül kuryen ney Tsangkha layi latog tu Dralhai genyen damla tak Yülni tsawey tsashö du Lhayi genyen drekpa chen Nyishu tsachig damla tak Mang-yül deyi jamtrin du Gelong zhila ngödrub nang Kyepar phakpey rigdzin chok Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When becoming the sun of Tibet,
9 BARCHEY LAMSEL Glorious guide of devoted beings, You manifested in different forms to tame beings according to their needs. At the Khala pass in Tsang, You bound Dralha Genyen under oath. At the district of Tsawey Tsasho, The twenty-one Haughty Deva Genyens You bound under oath. At Jamtrin of Mangyul, You bestowed siddhis on the Four Monks. Supreme Eminent Vidyadhara, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Palmo tanggi paltang du Tenma chunyi damla tak Böyül khalai latog tu Gangkar shamey damla tak Damshö lhabü nyingdrung du Tanglha yarzhur damla tak Hepo riyi yanggong du Lhasin tamchey damla tak Chewey lhadrey tamchey kyi Laley sokgi nyingpo phül Laley tenpa sungwar jay Laley drendu kelang jay Tudang dzutrül tobpo chey
10 BARCHEY LAMSEL Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung At the glorious plain of Palmotang, You bound the twelve Tenma goddesses under oath. At the Khala pass of Central Tibet, You bound Fleshless White Glacier under oath. At Damsho Lhabu Nyingdrung, You bound Thangla Yarshu under oath. At the very summit of Hepori, You bound all the devas and rakshas under oath. Of all these great devas and demons, Some offered the core of their life-force, Some undertook guarding the teachings And some pledged to be servants. Mighty one with powers and miracles, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Dampa chökyi tenpa ni
11 BARCHEY LAMSEL Gyaltsen tabur tsukpey tse Samye mazheng lhüngyi drub Gyalpöi gongpa tarchin dzey Kyechok sumgyi tsenyang sol Chigni pema jungney zhey Chigni pema sambha va Chigni tskye dorje zhey Sangtsen dorje drakpo tsal Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When establishing the doctrine of the sacred Dharma, Like a banner of victory, Samye, without being erected, was spontaneously accomplished And you fulfilled the wishes of the king. You were endowed with the names of three great beings. One was Padmakara, One was Padmasambhava, And one was Lake-born Vajra. Your secret name was Dorje Drakpo Tsal. With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally.
12 BARCHEY LAMSEL Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Samye chimphur drubpa dzey Kyenngen dogching ngödrub nang Jelön tarpey lamla kö Dönzuk böngyi tenpa nub Chöku drimey rinchen ten Kalden sangye sala kö Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung At Samye Chimphu, when practicing sadhana You repelled negative conditions and bestowed the siddhis. You established the king and ministers on the path of liberation And caused the Bon doctrine, negativity in manifest form, to wane. You showed the precious and immaculate dharmakaya And placed the destined ones in buddhahood. With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you.
13 BARCHEY LAMSEL Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Deney orgyen yüldu jön Danta sinpöi khanön dzey Miley lhaggyur yamtsen chey Chöpa mejung ngotsar chey Tudang dzutrül tobpo chey Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung Having left for the land of Urgyen, You now subdue the rakshas. Your great qualities surpass any human being. Your actions are wonderful and amazing. Mighty one with powers and miracles, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Kusung tukden drowa drenpey pal Dribpa künpang khamsum saley khyen Ngödrub chognye dechen choggi ku
14 BARCHEY LAMSEL Jangchub drubpey barchey ngepar sel Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung Om ah hung benza guru pema tötreng tsal benza samaya dzah siddhi phala hung ah Possessing the body, speech and mind, you are the glorious guide of beings. Having discarded all obscurations, you perceive the three realms vividly. Having achieved the supreme siddhi, sublime body of great bliss, You surely dispel the obstacles to attaining enlightenment. With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Om ah hung vajra guru padma thotreng tsal vajra samaya jah siddhi phala hung ah The is extracted from the External Practice in the Manner of Supplication included in the Sheldam Nyingjang of Lamey Thukdrup Barchey Kunsel that was discovered by the undisputed and timely incarnated great treasure revealer, Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, from beneath the foot of the Great Glorious One at Danyin Khala Rongo. May (repeating) this be a cause for utterly pacifying all hindrances and decline, for the buddhadharma as well as for beings, and a cause for completely fulfilling all wishes of self and others. Sarva mangalam!
15 BARCHEY LAMSEL This supplication is the blessed words spoken by Padmasambhava before departing from Tibet. It was revealed by Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa as part of the Guru Sadhana called Tukdrub Barchey Kunsel. Translated by Erik Pema Kunsang and Ward Brisick, Boudhanath, 1989. Filename: ryta025b Can be freely photocopied when not for sale. Rangjung Yeshe Translations & Publications www.rangjung.com
Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung Chöku nangwa taye la solwa deb Longku tukje chenpo la solwa deb Trülku pema jungney la solwa deb Daggi lama ngotsar trülpey ku Gyagar yüldu kutrung tösam dzey Böyül üsu zheljön drekpa dül Orgyen yüldu kuzhuk drodön dzey Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
1 BARCHEY LAMSEL om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Dharmakaya Amitabha, I supplicate you. Sambhogakaya Great Compassionate One, I supplicate you, Nirmanakaya Padmakara, I supplicate you. My guru, wonderful nirmanakaya, In the land of India, you were born, you studied and contemplated. Journeying in person to Tibet, you tamed the demonic forces. Residing in the land of Uddiyana, you acted for the welfare of beings. Through your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. Through your affection, guide myself and others on the path. Through your realization, grant me the siddhis. Through your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Kuyi ngotsar tongwey tse Yepey raldri chagya dzey Yönpey gukpey chagya dzey Zheldrey chetsik gyenla zig Gyalwey dungdzin drowey gön Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When seeing the wonder of bodily forms,
2 BARCHEY LAMSEL You make the sword mudra with your right hand. With your left, you make the summoning mudra. With gaping mouth, bare fangs, and upward gaze, Gyalwey Dungdzin, Lord of Beings, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Damchö rinchen senpey tse Kusel özer dangdang den Chakye denö lekbam nam Yönpey phurpey puti nam Zabmöi chönam tuksu chü Yangle shökyi pandi ta Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When receiving the precious and sacred teachings Your radiant body is endowed with a luminous complexion. Your right hand holds the scriptures of the tripitaka. Your left holds a volume of Kilaya.
3 BARCHEY LAMSEL You comprehend all the profound teachings. Pandita of Yanglesho, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Damchen damla takpey tse Drimey neychok nyamre gah Gyagar böyül satsam su Jingyi labney jönpey tse Drisung pö-ngey denpey ri Metog pema günyang kye Chumig jangchub dütsi chu Deden deyi neychog tu Kyechog tsülzang chögö sol Chakye dorje tsegu nam Yönpey rinchen zama tog Rakta dütsi nangdu tam Khandro damchen damla tak Yidam zhelzik ngödrub nye Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol
4 BARCHEY LAMSEL Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When binding the vow holders under oath, At the beautiful and immaculate supreme place, At the borderline between India and Tibet, You bestowed your blessings, on the moment of arrival, At the mountain endowed with enveloping fragrance. Even in winter time lotus flowers bloom At this supreme and blissful place, The Spring of Enlightenment with nectar-like water. Kyechok Tsulsang, dressed in the robes of the Dharma, Your right hand holds the nine pronged vajra Your left holds a jewel casket Filled with rakta nectar. You bound under oath the dakinis and vow holders. Seeing the yidam face to face, you accomplished the siddhis. With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Gyalwey tenpa tsukpey tse Yari nakla drubpa dzey Nyenphur namkhai yingsu phang Dorjei chagye langshing dril Drilzhing tsenden nagsu phang Mebar trukshing tsoyang kem Sibkyi mutek sagang sek
5 BARCHEY LAMSEL Yaksha nagpo düldu lag Drengyi domey dükyi shey Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When establishing the doctrine of the Victorious One, You performed sadhana in the forest of the Slate Mountain. Throwing your recitation dagger into the sky’s expanse, You caught it and rolled with your vajra mudra. Rolling, you threw it into to the sandalwood forest, The fire blazed and the lake dried up. Instantly you burned away all the places of the tirthikas And reduced the black yakshas to dust. Matchless Slayer of Demons, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Srinpö khanön dzepey tse Khyeuchung trülküi chaluk chen Yamtsen zukzang khadog lek
6 BARCHEY LAMSEL Tsemdrik utra serla dzey Gunglo chudrug lönpey tsül Rinchen gyencha natsok sol Chakye kharwey phurpa nam Düdang sinpö khanön dzey Yönpey sengdeng phurpa nam Möpey bula sungkyob dzey Gülna chakyi phurpa nam Yidam lhadang nyisu mey Nyimey trülku dzamling gyen Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When you subjugate the rakshas, Young boy in nirmanakaya attire, Wondrous form of goodness with magnificent color, With even teeth and beautiful golden hair, In the manner of a sixteen year old youth, You wear various kinds of jewel ornaments. With your right hand you hold the bell-metal dagger, Subjugating the maras and rakshas. With your left you hold the teak dagger, Protecting your devoted disciples. Around the neck your wear the iron dagger, Indivisible from the yidam deity. Nondual nirmanakaya, Ornament of Jambudvipa,
7 BARCHEY LAMSEL With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Dreyi yüldu gongpey tse Mepung shökyi sazhi la Da-gyang ganggi tsonang du Pemey tengdu silsil dra Pemey nangdu gongpa dzey Tsenyang pema jungney zhey Dzogpey sangye ngösu jön Dendrey trülku yamtsen chen Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When intending to go to the land of ghosts, In the area of Mass of Fire, Within a lake the expanse of an arrow shot, Upon a lotus you were cooled and refreshed. Meditating within a lotus flower, Known as Padmasambhava,
8 BARCHEY LAMSEL You appeared as the perfect buddha in person. Such a wondrous nirmanakaya, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Bökyi nyima dzepey tse Deden drowa drenpey pal Gangla gangdül kuryen ney Tsangkha layi latog tu Dralhai genyen damla tak Yülni tsawey tsashö du Lhayi genyen drekpa chen Nyishu tsachig damla tak Mang-yül deyi jamtrin du Gelong zhila ngödrub nang Kyepar phakpey rigdzin chok Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When becoming the sun of Tibet,
9 BARCHEY LAMSEL Glorious guide of devoted beings, You manifested in different forms to tame beings according to their needs. At the Khala pass in Tsang, You bound Dralha Genyen under oath. At the district of Tsawey Tsasho, The twenty-one Haughty Deva Genyens You bound under oath. At Jamtrin of Mangyul, You bestowed siddhis on the Four Monks. Supreme Eminent Vidyadhara, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Palmo tanggi paltang du Tenma chunyi damla tak Böyül khalai latog tu Gangkar shamey damla tak Damshö lhabü nyingdrung du Tanglha yarzhur damla tak Hepo riyi yanggong du Lhasin tamchey damla tak Chewey lhadrey tamchey kyi Laley sokgi nyingpo phül Laley tenpa sungwar jay Laley drendu kelang jay Tudang dzutrül tobpo chey
10 BARCHEY LAMSEL Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung At the glorious plain of Palmotang, You bound the twelve Tenma goddesses under oath. At the Khala pass of Central Tibet, You bound Fleshless White Glacier under oath. At Damsho Lhabu Nyingdrung, You bound Thangla Yarshu under oath. At the very summit of Hepori, You bound all the devas and rakshas under oath. Of all these great devas and demons, Some offered the core of their life-force, Some undertook guarding the teachings And some pledged to be servants. Mighty one with powers and miracles, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Dampa chökyi tenpa ni
11 BARCHEY LAMSEL Gyaltsen tabur tsukpey tse Samye mazheng lhüngyi drub Gyalpöi gongpa tarchin dzey Kyechok sumgyi tsenyang sol Chigni pema jungney zhey Chigni pema sambha va Chigni tskye dorje zhey Sangtsen dorje drakpo tsal Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung When establishing the doctrine of the sacred Dharma, Like a banner of victory, Samye, without being erected, was spontaneously accomplished And you fulfilled the wishes of the king. You were endowed with the names of three great beings. One was Padmakara, One was Padmasambhava, And one was Lake-born Vajra. Your secret name was Dorje Drakpo Tsal. With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally.
12 BARCHEY LAMSEL Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Samye chimphur drubpa dzey Kyenngen dogching ngödrub nang Jelön tarpey lamla kö Dönzuk böngyi tenpa nub Chöku drimey rinchen ten Kalden sangye sala kö Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung At Samye Chimphu, when practicing sadhana You repelled negative conditions and bestowed the siddhis. You established the king and ministers on the path of liberation And caused the Bon doctrine, negativity in manifest form, to wane. You showed the precious and immaculate dharmakaya And placed the destined ones in buddhahood. With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you.
13 BARCHEY LAMSEL Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Deney orgyen yüldu jön Danta sinpöi khanön dzey Miley lhaggyur yamtsen chey Chöpa mejung ngotsar chey Tudang dzutrül tobpo chey Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung Having left for the land of Urgyen, You now subdue the rakshas. Your great qualities surpass any human being. Your actions are wonderful and amazing. Mighty one with powers and miracles, With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Kusung tukden drowa drenpey pal Dribpa künpang khamsum saley khyen Ngödrub chognye dechen choggi ku
14 BARCHEY LAMSEL Jangchub drubpey barchey ngepar sel Tukje dagla jingyi lob Tsewey dagsok lamna drong Gongpey dagla ngödrub tsol Nüpey dagsok barchey sol Chiyi barchey chiru sol Nanggi barchey nangdu sol Sangwey barchey yingsu sol Güpey chaktsal kyabsu chi Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung Om ah hung benza guru pema tötreng tsal benza samaya dzah siddhi phala hung ah Possessing the body, speech and mind, you are the glorious guide of beings. Having discarded all obscurations, you perceive the three realms vividly. Having achieved the supreme siddhi, sublime body of great bliss, You surely dispel the obstacles to attaining enlightenment. With your kindness, bestow your blessings upon me. With your affection, guide myself and others on the path. With your realization, grant me the siddhis. With your powers, dispel the obstacles of myself and others. Clear the outer obstacles externally. Clear the inner obstacles internally. Clear the secret obstacles spontaneously. Respectfully I bow down and take refuge in you. Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung Om ah hung vajra guru padma thotreng tsal vajra samaya jah siddhi phala hung ah The is extracted from the External Practice in the Manner of Supplication included in the Sheldam Nyingjang of Lamey Thukdrup Barchey Kunsel that was discovered by the undisputed and timely incarnated great treasure revealer, Orgyen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa, from beneath the foot of the Great Glorious One at Danyin Khala Rongo. May (repeating) this be a cause for utterly pacifying all hindrances and decline, for the buddhadharma as well as for beings, and a cause for completely fulfilling all wishes of self and others. Sarva mangalam!
15 BARCHEY LAMSEL This supplication is the blessed words spoken by Padmasambhava before departing from Tibet. It was revealed by Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa as part of the Guru Sadhana called Tukdrub Barchey Kunsel. Translated by Erik Pema Kunsang and Ward Brisick, Boudhanath, 1989. Filename: ryta025b Can be freely photocopied when not for sale. Rangjung Yeshe Translations & Publications www.rangjung.com
quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2016
terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2016
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